March 18 2018
Los Angeles, California
I have received numerous requests from readers asking me to clarify, “Which are the latest editions for both BDA and Most Evil?”
Below are the four most recent updated versions which are: 1. Black Dahlia Avenger (Skyhorse 2015) 2. Black Dahlia Avenger II (Thoughtprint Press 2014) 3. Most Evil (Dutton 2009) and 4. Most Evil II (Rare Bird Books 2015).
All four books are available in either print or ebook and three (BDA, Most Evil and Most Evil II) are available as audible books.
A New edition, Black Dahlia Avenger III (Rare Bird Books 2018) is expected to publish in next few months details to be announced shortly. That edition will provide new linkage (2014-2018) and investigative findings discovered post publication of BDA II.
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