May 15, 2019
Los Angeles, California
A few months back I was contacted by MWA’s Kris Montee (Edgar Banquet Chair and Annual Editor) and asked if I would be willing to contribute a short essay for the 73rd Anniversary Annual Program for the upcoming 2019 Edgar Awards Ceremonies. to be held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel on April 25, 2019.
As a former Edgar nominee, in the Best Fact Crime category, I was honored by the request. My essay, “Following The Equator: A Journey Around the World” printed in the 73rd Anniversary Annual is reproduced below.
Click for PDF Hodel Essay, “Following The Equator: A Journey Around the Word”
Steve’s Essay PDF mwa anniversary annual skh essay
Below link shows 2019 Nominees and winners in red.
2019 Edgar Award Nominees and Winners
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