June 30, 2019
Los Angeles
Greetings from Los Angeles.
Here’s a five-minute video on my earlier posted “Special Report” for those that want a briefed down version containing just the “Case Solved” statements from the LAPD, LADA, and LASD “high command.” For those that want the full monty version (27 pages viewable online or downloadable) with all officers statements and linkage – click on below bolded link.
Special Report: Black Dahlia “Voices from the Past”: Top City and County Law Enforcement Officers Declare “Case Solved”: LAPD Denies Request for DNA Testing, “Too Busy with Current Cases”
Five-minute condensed version click below.
The post Voices from the Past: LAPD, LASD, LADA High Command “Black Dahlia Case Solved” appeared first on Steve Hodel.