February 17, 2020
Los Angeles, California
Thanks to J. Anon for the “heads up” on two separate pieces of information sent to me in his email from yesterday. Excerpt from it reads:
Dear Mr. Hodel
I would like to draw your attention to, and ask if you are aware of, two things:
First is a listing on eBay of a June 1924 Caltech yearbook which lists George H. Hodel as part of a Freshman Debating Squad:
Second is a 1969 artwork by Man Ray titled “Tirelire” (French for piggy bank). It is a drawing of a female figure with arms raised with the body cut off at the waist by an Italian “Biglietto di Stato- Vale Dieci (10) Lire” bill from 1944. One leg emerges from the center of the bill and the other from bottom. Not sure if you have seen it before but I noticed it when clicking about this Man Ray website after reading your books:
http://www.manray-photo.com/ catalog/product_info.php? cPath=29&products_id=2069& osCsid= e5256f02cf23a73a58562b8d0faed0 8c
Best regards, J
In checking out his links, we find the first to be the 1924 Cal Tech Year Book on eBay (Seller asking $160.00).
The annual lists the twelve Freshman members of the Debating Team showing GHH as one of them, but only 10 student photos are depicted. Appears that my father and a second member were omitted from the photoshoot.
SKH Note- While there is some resemblance to the student 2nd row/2nd from the right, I do not believe that is GHH. See the known photos of GHH from that time period below:
GHH HS photo 1923 GHH young father photo circa 1929
His second link is to a Man Ray photo which I had never seen before as he describes it “Tirelire” which as he points out does indeed translate as “Piggybank” and we see the woman arms upheld in the “Minotaur” position.
Thanks again to J. Anon for providing the links and information,
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