February 21, 2021
Los Angeles, California
A recent query was made asking about LADA Investigator Walter Morgan’s role in the Black Dahlia investigation. Below is a PDF Post I did way back in September, 2007 “DA Investigator Walter Morgan, The Black Dahlia’s Last Coyote dies at 92.”
I was fortunate enough to be able to locate and interview Walter during my original investigation and his information played a critical role in help solving the case. Below photo shows him being interviewed by Erin Moriarty in 2004 in a Producer David Browning 48 HOURS production, “Black Dahlia Confidential.”
Read his extensive bio and role in the below attached PDF, a tribute to his life and passing on Sept 8, 2007.
Walter Morgan BIO and Role in Black Dahlia Investigation
“48 Hours” clip with Head DDA Steve Kay and Walter Morgan (5 min)
The post LA District Attorney Investigator Walter Morgan Redux: His Role in the 1947 Black Dahlia Investigation appeared first on Steve Hodel.