July 1, 2023
Birch Bay, Washington
Greetings and as my brother Mike Hodel always used to say about this time of year, “Remember- To be safe on the 4th don’t have a 5th on the 3rd.” (Miss you big time Mike.)
Today’s “new clew” comes from a reader who mentioned it in a comment on my blog section:
“I just read the book and have been reading through comments on the blog but I haven’t seen this anywhere: am I the only one who sees the letters “G” and “H” in the positioning of the victims’ arms?”
Do you see it? Let’s take a closer look.
Graphics by author Robert J. Sadler
Strong potential for DNA link if evidence still exists. Victim’s likely chloroformed using a handkerchief. Surgical gloves were found near bodies along with a partially smoked cigar. (Victim Nancy Frome’s hands/knuckles burned with the cigar. Pieces of black hair found clutched in Nancy Frome’s hand should also result in DNA link to suspect.
It is highly unlikely that surrealist artist and close friend of Man Ray and George Hodel knew about GHH’s connection to the 1937 double homicide of Hazel and Nancy Frome when decades later he apparently provided his own version of a “G.H.” clew, to supplement his earlier “It’s Midnight Dr. ____” clews to the Black Dahlia murder where he actually spelled out the name HODEL. In this later version, we see Copley laying supine in the “Minotaur Position” in probable imitation of the Elizabeth Short crime scene and he uses the two “Alphabet for Adult” letters “G.H.” as an additional later clew to whodunit.
Surrealist friend of Man Ray and George Hodel’s. A “G.H.” Hat Trick?
The post Reader Discovers New “G.H.” Posing Clew-In The Mesquite Murders of Nancy and Hazel Frome appeared first on Steve Hodel.