January 20, 2024
Birch Bay, Washington
In 1950 the original DA investigators suspected that Dr. George Hill Hodel may have buried victims’ bodies in the basement of the Sowden/Franklin House, where my investigation showed the original crime and surgical bisection occurred in 1947. We know this from a police report I found in the secret DA/Hodel Black Dahlia files indicating officers talked to a plumber who had conducted repairs in the Hodel basement and they asked him if he saw any digging or signs of graves. His response, “I was only there to repair the plumbing and didn’t look for any diggings.” Here are the two summaries of Cadaver dog Buster’s findings in his two separate searches at the Hodel residence, 5121 Franklin Avenue as excellently reported by NBC’s Ace news reporter, Patrick Healey more than a decade ago in 2013.
Buster’s alerts for human remains along with the soil analysis by Dr. Arpad Vass showing “positive for human remains” and the original 1950 DA Investigators report suspecting bodies may be buried in the basement or nearby exterior grounds were submitted to the then assigned Black Dahlia case investigators, Mitzi Roberts and her partner Tim Marcia. However, to date (ten years later) no action or response has been taken or received. (See their photo below, in the podcast with its theme, “Everybody Counts.” Were that is was so!
SKH Note- One correction in the video reportage. Contrary to the general belief that the victim Elizabeth “Black Dahlia” Short’s total remains were recovered from where they were posed at 3825 S. Norton on the vacant lot. The victim’s right breast was completely surgically removed and not found at the dump site. I believe that it was likely kept as “a trophy” and could have been buried in the center courtyard or basement of the Sowden/Franklin House.
Bosch: Legacy – Behind the scenes with Mitzi Roberts and Tim Marcia
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