Sunday, September 17, 2017, 12 noon
Just returned from a Sunday Brunch meeting with my brother Kelvin and his wife, Angel.
Kelvin mentioned recalling our mother’s statements, HOWEVER, his recall was that the individual was NOT our father George Hodel, but rather another, separate family member. All else he confirmed as accurate. Just that his memory was that she named another. I have reflected on this for several hours and find that my bro may be correct. Therefore, since there now exists some doubt in my mind, for the sake of accuracy, I am going to retract and remove this blog.
(Note- Since no entries can ever be entirely removed from the Internet, I will post this “Correction/Retraction” for a week, so there will be a permanent record of it, then I will remove the entire blog.)
My apologies to my readers and thank you, bro, for setting the record straight. The other family member shall remain unnamed since she or he had no part to play in anything other than providing the EEG brain wave graph.
Los Angeles
September 16, 2017
A Close Match?
“You know (laughing) I was told that your father’s EEGs (brain wave graphs) were compared and very closely matched those of Adolph Hitler.”
Dorothy Huston Hodel
To her three sons circa 1955 and again in the 1970s
My mother made this comment to my brothers Michael and Kelvin and I a number of times during our growing up years.
It was not meant to be derogatory or to imply that father was “evil” or a “bad man.” It was said more in jest and as a simple scientific fact.
No details were ever supplied other than her suggestion that at some time and place some physician or psychologist had seen EEGs of both Hitler and Hodel and had made the comparison and observation.
I gave it no further thought and basically assumed it was nothing more than an old husband’s tale, a family rumor, nothing more.
Yesterday, I was exchanging emails with a friend, Brian M., on an unrelated subject and he mentioned the amazing advancements in recent years in the field of brain scanning research. Brian mentioned that in another ten years the advancements in fMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imagery, measures brain activity) may likely replace the outmoded and unreliable polygraph/”lie detector” as a more state of the art “truth teller” and possibly even help determine “false confessions.”
This email discussion reminded me of mother’s Hitler/Hodel EEG comments over the years, which I amusingly passed on to Brian. At the same time, smiling to myself, I Googled Hitler and EEG, and much to my surprise discovered not only did/do Hitler’s EEGs exist, but they were sold in auction as recently as 2012!
Adolph Hitler’s medical records were seized as well as information obtained from six of his attending physicians at the end of WW II. Included in the medical records were the fact that Hitler was taking Bull Semen Injections, (a red flag in and by itself); several skull Xrays, and several EEG brainwave graphs. Medical reports add that he was also a coke head and full of hot air/gas. (Suffering from severe flatulence.)
See several links below for full auction details and photographs.
Huffington Post Hitler/EEG article
So, bottom line the family rumors are suddenly given real credence considering that Hitler’s EEGs do exist post-1945, now all we need do is figure out which doctor also knew and saw Hodel’s EEGs and made the comparison and observation, “They are very similar.”
To be continued…
Update from Brian M. 9.15.17 2:00 pm
Dr Adriane Raine, a noted researcher in the biological and social causes of antisocial
behaviour says in “The anatomy of violence”,
“We know from longitudinal research that children with excessive resting slow-wave
EEGs are much more likely to become adult criminal offenders.”
This could be what the similarity between Hitler’s EEG and Hodel’s EEG.
But what I could not find anyone analyzing Hitler’s EEG.
The post Serial Killer Dr. George Hill Hodel and Mass Murderer/Genocidist Adolph Hitler Early EEG’s (Electroencephalographs) Brain Wave Recordings A Match? appeared first on Steve Hodel.